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 To be the patient led advocacy network contributing to patient safety initiatives in India.


To make healthcare safe and of the highest quality for everyone


Establish a National Advisory Body by 2024 Establish a Patient representative in every state by 2025

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PFPSN - India aims to empower and educate patients and families for a more patient-centered and safer healthcare system.

An Initiative of

Founding Members of PFPSN - India

Ravdeep Singh Anand 
President - Dystrophy Annihilation Research Trust

Secretariat of PFPSN -India

Dr Ratna Devi 
CEO and Co-Founder
DakshamA Health

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Dr Riya Agrawal 
Project Officer
DakshamA Health

Keshav Singh 
Project Officer
PAIR Academy

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Online Study

 Global Patient Safety Action Plan Course

In association with PAIR Academy, we provide courses on patient safety, antimicrobial resistance, stroke support, etc. These courses are designed for multi-lingual audiences and content is produced in such a way that it is easy to understand and remember. PAIR's website has been embedded in this section so that you take up the course easily.


K 203, Mahindra Aura

Sector 110 A, Nueva Palam Vihar

Gurgaon 122017

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El Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente exige la solidaridad mundial y la acción concertada de todos los países y socios internacionales para mejorar la seguridad del paciente.Call us:

El Día reúne a pacientes, familias, cuidadores, comunidades, trabajadores de la salud, líderes de atención médica y responsables políticos para mostrar su compromiso con la seguridad del paciente.

La resolución WHA 72.6 'Acción global sobre la seguridad del paciente' reconoce la seguridad del paciente como una prioridad de salud global y respalda el establecimiento del Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente que se observará anualmente el 17 de septiembre.

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